After a decade of favourable returns, we have seen more and more people turning to DIY investing over the past few years. However, 2022 has been anything but a favourable year for investing. To date, we are seeing significantly negative returns in stocks, bonds, cryptocurrencies and real estate. Unfortunately, many investors fall prey to one or more of the following biases when building their portfolios. Fear, greed and over-confidence.
Great Financial Advisors help clients avoid these biases, building diversified portfolios that follow the science of investing, while helping you tune out the negative news headlines. This type of investment advice can help you avoid the BIG mistake that could potentially set you back years or even decades in the pursuit of your goals. Beyond smart investment decisions, great advisors can help you in many other areas of your financial planning including estate, tax, cash flow, retirement income, risk management and more.
Dimensional Fund Advisors, has been working closely with Financial Advisors for more than three decades and they have compiled a list of attributes they commonly find among the top advisors:
1. Purposeful
2. Empathetic
3. Authentic
4. Intellectually curious
5. Personally inquisitive
6. Good Listener
7. Passionate
8. Entrepreneurial
9. Honest
10. Disciplined
See the full article from Dimensional Fund Advisors here
*Matthews + Associates of ACPI is a trade name of Aligned Capital Partners Inc. (ACPI)* – if applicable ACPI is regulated by the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada ( and a Member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund ( Joseph Curry is registered to advise in (securities and/or mutual funds) to clients residing in Ontario.
Disclosure of commissions in mutual funds in accordance with NI 81-102 (15): “Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently, and past performance may not be repeated”.